A cooperative is an organised group of like-minded producers who combine to form a farmers’ group or partnership. Members share responsibilities and any profit or loss. They speak with a single voice and can purchase feed, equipment, chicks, building material and other supplies more cheaply. Eventually storage facilities can be established and a supply shop set up. The group can also have a strategic plan to reduce competition between individuals, set prices for poultry products and generally work to help one another to establish an industry on a firm footing. Trainers should provide as much assistance as possible to the farmers in establishing a working group that will spearhead the formation of a cooperative. The cooperative may eventually expand into other areas of commerce where the farmers can trade other farm produce in addition to poultry.COMMUNITY OWNERSHIP
This is similar to, but less rigid than a cooperative and is run by a committee representing a district or village community. For example, the committee may be responsible for raising point - of - lay pullets. These they sell at 17 - 18 weeks to individual egg producers and the profits are distributed amongst the community. The committee might purchase and run an incubator, and sell the chicks for meat or egg production at different ages. Or the committee may manage a small broiler or egg farm along commercial lines. In both cases there is opportunity to buy large numbers of chicks and bags of feed. This is usually attractive to the supplier and cheaper for the community. The concept of community farming is to empower people, mainly women, who have no opportunity as individual poultry keepers, to improve their circumstances and to alleviate poverty. Once formed, It can be extended to bio-security programs, vaccination programs against diseases, purchase of medical and other supplies, marketing of meat birds and eggs, dissemination of information, training programs and exchanging information, and greater opportunity to obtain micro-credit. This is critical to allow expansion of the family enterprise. There is a key role here for the poultry trainer who can assist in orchestrating the group by providing advice and guidance.BE THE FIRST TO COMMENT